Jerusalem Startups List

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Meet some of the best and newest startups based in Jerusalem.

Meet 7 sales View everyone

ID 712825

Gidon Pico

ID 587858

Amir Shapiro

Founder Babid LTD Manager of E-commerce Websites B.Sc Industrial engineering at University of Beer Sheva Reserve officer in the IDF Armored force

ID 13650

Alan J Greenspan

Starting an Algae NPO and business, living in Jerusalem, Israel. Worked for @rebatefirm, Leviathan Energy.

ID 831032

sinai beck

sales and business development at bsd insurance broker

ID 631515

Daniel Mishkin

International Sales Director at publishing house

ID 316380

Noam Simckes

Co founded 3 eye catching startups, developed a crowd funding platform now managing it. sold a 100k a year business management service for a leader in the industry

ID 23792

Gab Goldenberg

Internet marketer passionate about the Jewish people. Wrote the first advanced SEO book, have spoken in 3 countries. Learning to code php, CSS.

//}) /* // var y = $(this).scrollTop(); //var y = $(this).scrollTop(); //console.log('y = '+ y); if (jQuery(this).scrollTop() > 1200 ) { $('#promoBand').fadeIn(); } else { $('#promoBand').fadeOut(); } */ //do something special }, 11000);